Originally a guide to research by Pratima Ghale at Mt. Holyoke College. Used with permission for students at Hollins University, using Wyndham Robertson Library (2014). Updates after 2014 are by the WRL.
You use or describe specific information you have taken from a source (as Andrea del Verrocio's pupil Leonardo da Vinci studied in a collaborative environment, sometimes even working with Verrocio himself (Shneiderman, 112).)
You refer to a theory or idea from a source (Shneiderman believes that collaborative learning increases positive outcomes(224).
You include any image (picture, table, graph) from a source.
The information you use is common knowledge (There are two main types of elephants, Asian and African).
The information you use can be easily found and verified by most people (Abraham Lincoln was 56 years old when he was assassinated)