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GPS480: Senior Thesis 2023: Books

Books search within OneSearch

The search box below defaults to searching only our book collection, including books at Roanoke College and e-books.

The World's Libraries (WorldCat)

You can use the same searches you used effectively in the catalog (both subject and keyword), and get a lot more results! WorldCat is the closest thing there is to a universal library catalog. It includes the holdings of thousands of libraries worldwide.

  • Use the limiters: for example, “not juvenile” and “not fiction.”
  • Subscription WorldCat defaults to put the most popular materials on top. Free WorldCat defaults to put the most relevant materials on top.
  • Because you are searching a much larger universe of material, you may want to search for your terms only in the title.
  • If a very small number of libraries (think single digits) hold the item, we may have trouble getting it through Interlibrary Loan.

Google Books

Try searching the full text of books with Google Books. You’ll get results, almost guaranteed (whether they’re relevant is another story!).


  • Remember that you are searching full text. You will want to include more specific search terms.
  • Most pre-1923 books will be available full-text as PDFs. Post-1923 books (because of copyright restrictions) will only let you view a small number of pages or a snippet of text.
  • If you’ve found a title of interest, search for the title in our catalog, or use the Google link, “Find this book in a library.” (which takes you to OpenWorldCat).
  • Use the “References from Web Pages” and “References from scholarly works” linked at the bottom of the “about this book” page.


Your Librarian

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Luke Vilelle
Office: Library 1st floor: next to building entrance. Schedule an appointment at this URL: