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FYS: The Political Print (2021)

A guide for students in professor Andrea Martens' seminar, created by Librarian Maryke Barber

Poll: citation questions


Murrell, Denise. “African Influences in Modern Art.” Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Apr. 2008, Accessed 15 Nov. 2021.

Citation # 1 identifies a:
Website: 8 votes (72.73%)
Journal Article from an online database: 2 votes (18.18%)
E-Book: 1 votes (9.09%)
Total Votes: 11

# 2.

Lippard, Lucy R. “Eva Hesse: Inside Process.” Art Work : Seeing Inside the Creative Process, edited by Ivan Vartanian, Chronicle Publishing, 2011, pp 32-41.

Citation # 2 identifies a:
Newspaper article: 2 votes (16.67%)
Journal Article: 3 votes (25%)
Book chapter: 7 votes (58.33%)
Total Votes: 12


Carol Strickland Correspondent. “An Artist Embraces Her Iranian Past and Her American Present.” Christian Science Monitor, 23 Mar. 2020, p. N.PAG. EBSCOhost,

Citation # 3 is complete and correct
True: 3 votes (20%)
False: 12 votes (80%)
Total Votes: 15

The "Works Cited" page for your paper should:
Be alphabetized by the author's last name: 0 votes (0%)
Use hanging indents: 0 votes (0%)
Include DOI or URL: 0 votes (0%)
All of the above: 10 votes (100%)
Total Votes: 10

In-Text Citation

Final activity: creating in-text citation


A citation provides the reader with information about your sources, to help the reader find them. Citations usually include such elements as:

  • title
  • author
  • who published it
  • when was it published

Citation: 2 Parts


As you write, you will create citations in the text of your paper, to let the reader know when you are using someone else's ideas or words.

MLA uses parenthetical citations.


At the end of your paper, you'll provide a complete list of all of the sources you used to write it.

Include everything you used, whether you specifically quoted or cited it in the text of your paper or not.

In MLA style, this is called your "Works Cited."

When to Cite

You should cite when:

  • You use or describe specific information you have taken from a source:
    (as Andrea del Verrocio's pupil Leonardo da Vinci studied in a collaborative environment, sometimes even working with Verrocio himself (Shneiderman, 112).)

  • You refer to a theory or idea from a source:
    (Shneiderman believes that collaborative learning increases positive outcomes(224).

  • You  include any image (picture, table, graph) from a source.

You don't need to cite when:

  • The information you use is common knowledge
    (There are two types of elephants, Asian and African).

  • The information you use can be easily found and verified by most people
    (Abraham Lincoln was 56 years old when he was assassinated)