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Underrepresentation in the LGBT+ Spectrum


Gender is not black or white, this or that, but rather a full spectrum with overlap, shades of grey, and much to explore. 

The A-Z of Gender and Sexuality 

Contesting Intersex

Additional material: Model Hanne Odiele and Being Intersex 

When Hanne was a child, she received the diagnosis of AIS (androgen insensitivity syndrome), or intersex. Growing up, Hanne and her family was told to keep such diagnosis hidden, to "correct" her body and force her into one sex, but now as a model that has run the catwalk for brands such as Prada and Balenciaga, Hanne has become an advocate for the intersex community and been transparent about her diagnosis, gender, and identity. 


Additional material: Cara Delevingne's Experience as Genderfluid

Actress and model Cara Delevingne speaks on her experience being genderfluid, and how that has affected her sense of self, happiness, and career once she was able to identify as genderfluid. 


Additional material: Chella Man and Being Trans, Queer, and Disabled 

Model and actor Chella Man speaks with Jameela Jamil on her podcast about how his gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and disability intersect to influence who he is today, and his work as an activist and advocate for the queer and deaf communities. 

Like A Boy But Not A Boy