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BIO/INTL 121: Plants & People 2015: Background Sources

Background Sources

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True: 14 votes (53.85%)
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Check subscription coverage that Hollins has for print and online journals: 4 votes (19.05%)
Access tons of full text and check Hollins subscription coverage: 6 votes (28.57%)
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I like Google Scholar, but it doesn't allow me to access full-text articles through the Hollins Library.
True: 15 votes (62.5%)
False: 9 votes (37.5%)
Total Votes: 24

Reference Books

Use these books (and other reference books), found in the Reference Collection on the first floor of the library, as a starting place for your research.  Reference books are a good place to find background information on your research and to become familiar with the concepts and terminology associated with your topic.

Sciences Librarian

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James Miller
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Office: Wyndham Robertson Library, 1st floor, Room 103
B.A. English, Austin College
M.L.I.S., Library & Information Science, Drexel University


When searching the databases, avoid the common names of plants, BE SPECIFIC. Instead of doing searches for Tulsi, search "Ocimum sanctum"

Library Locations & Numbers

Book Locations


HU - General Collection:
"N" numbers are on the 3rd floor


HU - Folio and Oversize Folio:
2nd floor


HU- Reference
1st floor


HU - Annex
use the "request" function in the online catalog


RC - General Collection
use the "request" function in the online catalog