Interlibrary Loan (ILL): Request Books, Articles & Films
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From a database (such as EBSCO)
Click on the Find At Hollins link (look for a green/gold button).
Look at the results: do we have the journal?
Do we have it in print or online (or both?) Do we have it for the year you need?
"Available at Hollins University - HU Periodicals"
Newer issues of journals are in the reading room (1st floor). Older issues of a few specific art journals are on the 3rd floor.
If we do not have the journal or year
Use Interlibrary Loan to get the article (articles are frequently delivered within 2-4 business days) in PDF format
Journalfinder: The "Find at Hollins" button
First, make sure you're looking at an article. Then click on the "Find at Hollins" Button.