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English 335 Milton: Finding Books

A guide to research for students in Professor Julie Pfeiffer's class.

Call numbers ranges

John Milton

PR 3550-3597 (2nd Floor)

Books which include Milton, but have a broader (British Lit) or more narrow (gender criticism) approach to the works of Milton may be housed in those subject areas.

English Literature, Creative Works, History & Criticism

PR 1-56, Literary History and Criticism

PR 57-78, Criticism

PR 421-429, by Period, Elizabethan Era (1550-1640)

PR 431-439, by Period, 17th Century

PR 500-614, Poetry

PR 750-890, Prose

PR 1098-1369, Collections of English Literature

PR 3291-3785, 17th and 18th Centuries (1640-1770)

Searching the catalog is the best way to get a comprehensive view of books available - at Hollins, at Roanoke College, and online books we have access to through netlibrary.

Subject Guide

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Rebecca Seipp
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MSIS, Information Science
The University of Texas at Austin
BA, History
Southwestern University

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