Subject Search: To find materials written ABOUT
your subject.
viewing items, change Sort to “Reverse Year” to see newest items at top.
Search by last name first, then first name.
Author Search: To find materials written BY your
Search by last name first, then first name.
Keyword (or Word) Search
provide mix of materials, some by and some about your subject.
reveal materials that would not have appeared through author or subject search
(e.g., if your subject was listed in the Table of Contents).
additional search terms such as "criticism" (in addition to your
subject's name or the book's title) to help narrow your results.
Finding Books
Keywords: don't forget to try broader/narrower terms, synonyms, and related terms (examples: property, aristocracy, upper-class)
Click on each title to get the full information (catalog record)
Use Subject links at the bottom of the catalog record to find similar items
Try a Boolean Operator: AND, NOT, OR
How about a wildcard? Invent* will give you: Invent, Invents, Inventor, Invention
When you find a book that looks good, scroll down and look at the subject terms. This can lead you to other good sources and help you generate keywords. Here are a few subject terms that may be useful for this class: