What you are searching: Records representing every hard-copy book in our library and Roanoke College’s library, plus all of our e-books. These records contain:
Title/Author/Location/Call Number/Subject Headings/Table of Contents (sometimes)
When searching health topics, you will likely find many government documents on these subjects. Most of these (particularly from 2000 onwards) will be located online.
Keywords = terms important to your topic, NOT words such as of, then, where, what, etc.
Upon finding a relevant book, look at the book’s subject headings. If there is a relevant subject heading, click on it, and follow the subject heading to other books on your topic.
Sign In to see the Request icon to get books from Roanoke College or to request books be pulled for you from the HU collection.
Browse the call number range where you find book(s) of interest: You can do do this virtually at the bottom of the book record screen.
If you find a book without a call number, it is an online book. Follow the links to view the book online.