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Comm344: Health Communication 2023: Finding Articles

Mass Media, including Newspapers and Magazines

For newspaper sources, use the following resources:

For magazine sources, use the following database:


  • Sort by date or relevance.
  • E-mail or print articles you are interested in.
  • Get a formatted ciation for an article.
  • Too many results?
    • You can immediately refine/narrow your results on the results screen by Full Text Availability; Year of Publication; Souce Type; and Subject.

Suggested databases:

You will want to use both the communication studies literature and the medical literature to help research your topic.

Expect to use Interlibrary Loan if you need articles from medical  journals! For more about Interlibrary Loan, check out the "Then Finding Full Text" tab.

Using LibKey Nomad in PubMed

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that will connect you to library resources (either to full text article access or to an Interlibrary Loan request form) from sites such as PubMed. 

Searching Tips

  • Keywords = Terms important to your topic, NOT words such as of, then, where, etc.
  • Think about your topic. What other words are used to represent your topic?
  • Pay attention to the words used in your results (particularly in the subject heading). What other words are used?
  • Combine separate concepts with AND. 
  • Combine synonyms with OR. Example: (journalism or reporting) and war.

Your Librarian

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Luke Vilelle
Office: Library 1st floor: next to building entrance. Schedule an appointment at this URL: